Cairine’s Blog

Solutions for your Home, Health and Wealth

Why Liquid Nutrition?

In an article I wrote, I explained about the lack of absorption of supplements that are in caplet or tablet form. Below is my reasons for choosing liquid nutrition over other forms.

Since I learned about the lack of absorption of nutrients from caplets/tablets, I searched for an alternative source of supplementation. Here is what I discovered.

What are the BENEFITS to taking liquid nutrition over caplets/tablets?

Liquids are renowned for their optimal and faster assimilation. For that matter, various studies have demonstrated that liquid supplements are entirely absorbed whereas some tablets are carried along the intestinal tract without being completely absorbed. Some studies claim that tablets are less than 20% absorbed. I tend to agree.

Also, when taking a tablet, in addition to taking the required supplements you are also getting things you don’t want; BHA, BHT,propyl gallate,magnesium stearate, and malto-dextrin (corn starch)

Liquids are so much easier to swallow.

How does one go about choosing an excellent liquid nutrition?

There are so many liquids out there, all purporting to be the BEST. It’s mind boggling to say the least. But. when you establish some parameters, it brings clarity.

My criteria: 1 – The drink must be high in anti-oxidants with an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of 4000 or more. other words..high in protecting us from free radicals. Free radicals attach themselves to unpaired oxygen molecules. Basically, in layman’s radicals are to our body, like rust is to metal. Here is a more definitive description of free radicals.

Highly reactive oxygen radicals formed during normal oxidative metabolism and in response to infection and some chemicals. They cause damage to fatty acids in cell membranes, and the products of this damage can then cause damage to proteins and DNA The most widely accepted theory of the biochemical basis of much cancer and also of atherosclerosis and possibly kwashiorkor[i], is that the key factor in precipitating the condition is tissue damage by radicals. A number of different mechanisms are involved in protection against, or repair after, oxygen radical damage, including a number of nutrients, especially vitamin E, carotene, vitamin and selenium. Collectively these are known as antioxidant nutrients.

2 – The drink must have high integrity, one that is not thinned down with other juices, such as apple juice, grape juice or any other juices nor have added sugar in the various forms. The addition of these juices and or sugars may make the drink more palatable but it also makes it less effective as a supplement. 3 – The liquid drink should be packed full of NUTRITION. Nutritional elements such as vitamins and in particular the B vitamins which help support the nervous system, minerals which support the electrical synapses within our neurological system, and a carrying agent that will help the nutrition be absorbed through our gut walls. There is only ONE drink that for me fits all my criteria. It is called Natural Visions MIND, and it is manufactured by Ultra International.

Natural Visions MIND

The carrying agent is ALOE VERA. Aloe Vera is one of the marvels of nature, possessing numerous medicinal qualities. It was used as far back as the Egyptians and Greeks for healing. It supplies the human body with amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It helps to stimulate digestion functions. It soothes the stomach, and reduces flatulence (gas). It also reduces chronic constipation.

The B vitamins

Natural Visions MIND contains Vitamins B1,B3, B5,B6, and B12.

B vitamins are water soluble, so you cannot overdose on them.. B vitamins are known as stress reducers. They also help to ward off depression, lower blood cholesterol, maintain a healthy nervous system, and maintain healthy brain function by delivering more oxygen to the brain cells. B vitamins are also a lasting source of smooth energy without the crash from either caffeine or sugar.

Natural Vision’s Mind is the highest in these vitamins of all the liquid nutrition drinks on the market.

The Big Five:

Have you heard of any of these five ?

~ Mangosteen, Gogi (wolfberry),Acai, Noni, Pomegranate~

Natural Visions MIND drink contains not one, not two, but all five of these super antioxidant fruits. Acai has the highest antioxidant value of any one fruit. Mangosteen is known for is xanthones which are not only high in antioxidants, but also in phytonutrients. Gogi is known to support the immune system. Pomegranate is not only an antioxidant, but is also a good source of B vitamins, vitamin C and potassium. Noni is another antioxidant, but also a source of Vitamin A, C iron, Calcium and sodium.

But that’s not all…

Ultra also adds in green tea extract which is another source of phytonutrients, and aids in weight loss, and heart protection.

The last very important ingredient in this invaluable drink is the plant derived minerals.

In my opinion, this is THE MOST complete nutritional liquid drink you could ever take.

To learn more, please go to my site

Cairine Evans

Certified Nutritional Counsellor and Health Coach

[i]Severe protein malnutrition, especially in children after weaning, marked by lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, skin depigmentation, and hair loss or change in hair color.

November 30, 2008 - Posted by | Health and Nutrition | , , , , , , , , , , ,

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